Sunday, June 22, 2008

why I love my life in san diego

I was getting Chased!
The fog Rolling In!

Family dinner every Sunday is one of my favorite times of the week. Its a time that my family gets together whether we like it or not and get together to eat and to be a family. In the summer we go to Shelter Island and on nights like tonight when its soooo hot here even on the coast it is a welcome reprieve! Tonight we literally watched the fog come rolling in! I can't believe how clear it was when we got there and then to look out and see the bank coming in! I love to sit there and talk to whoever is sitting closest to me and the fact that I can get all the love I want from my nephews and niece! Tonight Josh and I were supposed to get together and build a portable tap floor so that he can come over and teach me every Monday! So we pulled the wood flooring for the top of the floor out and layed it out to see how big we wanted it. James came over and started helping us and made an awesome suggestion that makes us REALLY excited! So Josh loads it into my car and when I get home i pulled it out to save gas... so in the middle of pulling out this stack of wood planks i decide that I need to flip it over to stand it up against the wall... You know those moments in life when you right in the middle of an action you think to yourself... Self this is not a good decision... That was this moment! And so with those said boards in the middle of the swing up they came crashing down... again one of those moments you think... Self this is going to hurt really really bad!...and the smallest amount of time there is possible that known hurt becomes an actuality. Yep the corner of one of those darn boards even made a nice divot into my toe that lasted for at least 5 minutes! My toes are even now still throbbing! It literally sucked the wind out of me and when my roomie Tzenni-bah came out I was bent over with my head on the side of my car cuz i still couldn't walk. As soon as she said whats wrong, that's when tears came into my eyes. Why is it that a little compassion from someone that loves you always makes you cry?!!!

1 comment:

tzennibah said...

I do love you. I am sooo sorry about your toe.