Monday, June 9, 2008

Lessons I needed to learn!

I had to teach Young Women's yesterday and all week I was dreading actually having to teach this lesson. Here's my beef with it... I feel like these girls are smart and that the book is talking down to these girls with amazing intelligence. I also hated the topic because it was about the duties and rules of missionaries. If I would have been taught that when I was in Young Women's you can guarantee that I would have thought Hells to the bells NO WAY am I going! As it was I didn't go for many reasons but this lesson was really painful. So I pulled out my trusty scriptures and started reading. I came to understand that those rules are pretty much the same for the people in the Book Of Mormon as they are today... I really like the rule that Missionaries are only supposed to stay for an hour and that they are supposed to spiritually edify the people that they meeting with. I love that in the scriptures you can see that often, but also because I am Mormon food and religion go hand in hand! Anyways, it was nice to see that we did have an actual discussion and that the girls even stayed after and stood in a circle and talked after it was over... something I have not seen them do! I also came to understand that rules give me a freedom and that I can actually live with them! I don't know if I would have gone on a mission if they would have driven me crazy and I would have had to put a toe outta line just to see what would's in my nature!


The Egg Basket said...

I love it Coms! And I really love the picture of you at the bottom (with the rose in your teeth). And I love that you didn't mention anywhere in your post that you did in fact rock at tracting! :) Went toe-to-toe with preachers and held your own and everything!

I'm so excited to keep current with you!

The Adams Family said...

I don't know anything about sticking toes over the line. I am a strictly by the books kinda gal!
