Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So this pretty much sums up my friendships!

Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.
1. When you are sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of here.
5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!
6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.
7. When you are sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my butt off!!
9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because you are my FRIEND
(thanks Jules... you really do know what kind of card i would like!!! None of that cute crap!)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Part of My Trip to Utah!

So I finally have a moment not packing or painting to sit down and blog about my trip to Utah! Yes as many of you know my dislike for the state of Utah but I bit the bullet and ventured to the land of much fun and had a blast! There are thousands of reasons why Utah is the place to be as Kimmie liked to point out but I think the only reason that I loved it this weekend all starts and ends with the Prettymans (also Adams! I guess!) I really needed the calm before the storm and also the reasurance that I am still fun... ( i think!!!)So allow me to tell you a little story of what a crazy friend gets me to do... When I called Kimmie to tell her I really was coming the first thing out of her mouth were, and I quote "...I know the perfect thing that we can do. We will go shoot the tube!" You wonder what shooting the tube is, well let me tell you! There is a 8 foot tall industrial drainage pipe that runs underneath a freeway in mountains of Salt Lake that is paved on the bottom half and has a river/creek running through it. You hike down this hill (kim tried to downplay it because she knows of my dislike of HIKING!) and come to the water and pipe. I will have you know that it was 11 at night when my plane got in and we went directly to kims to change and then leave to pick up mel and Ben (marne's kids) and then meet up with Annalee and Jose and John. This my dear people of the Internet that are reading this is when i realized something... Everyone in Utah owns head lamps! It was an amazing realization as Kim is hiking behind me trying to shine the light so that the both of us can see! Oh and did i tell you that going downhill is always a bad idea for me because for some reason I always fall! It at some parts was pretty steep! Anyways, on to the actual water part, we get there and Jose and John are already up damming the water up so Kim, Mel, and I start to go up. I didn't realize that it was as long as it was going to be and we were going up an incline, when we get to the top i see this wood contraption with a door and a post that has rope attached to it and the guys trying to figure out how to dam the water... not long after Kim is telling everyone to sit down in a train and turn off there headlamps... I had poor ben in front of me on a purple saucer, kim mel and annalee on a sled in the front and john in the back. Jose brought up the rear as the guy that got to release the flood gates! Did I happen to mention that this water is ICE cold and that it raised us up and shot us like a bat outta hell down into the plunging darkness! I LAUGHED MY HEAD OFF!!! Poor Ben had to be the one in front of me and had to listen to the laugh scream the entire way down! But oh what a blast... that is until the ice plunge at the bottom of the tube. I was so worried about Ben that I was plunged under into the ice water pool at the bottom of the tube. I had to quickly (I mean quickly get out because the air was sucked out of my body!) get out of the water and safely to the side. I looked over and saw Ben basically turning into Michael Phelps to get out of the water. I don't think I have ever seen someone swim soooooo fast in my life. After getting out I quickly decided that I had to go again!!! I do have to say that on the way back up the tube I realized that my ears really really hurt and that I must have frozen my eardrums but it was all worth it! Twice was enough for me but really it was worth it!

this is after the second time, as I was coming out I was soooo cold and looking down to make sure I didn't hurt my toe on some rocks that when the flash went off I looked up at annalee and said oh no you didn't... with a smile on her face she said oh yes I did~ so world this is a lesson we should all learn, when taking pictures from an downward angle you will guarantee be able to get a really good bust shot of people scrambling to get out of freezing water!

the group right after the first time... Ben was not having it and Mel was being a good older sister and helping him to get warm!
No people its not a star or a moon its the headlamp that everyone in Utah must have in order to be able to claim citizenship in the great state of Utah!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i love my L shaped pillow!

another random thought that i had last night as i lay tossing and turning and straining my neck that i wasn't happy... and the reason i wasn't happy is because in my going to sleep moment i decided that it took way tooooo much energy to simply reach across my huge bed and grab my lovely L shaped pillow. A mistake I shall never make again. I missed it and I missed the feel of it cuddling with me. So finally in my miserable desperation I did the dreaded reach and grabbed my lovely lovely pillow and plunked my head down and to my amazement actually sighed when i felt the reassuring feeling of snuggle on my back... and the funniest thing was I thought I should blog about this insane moment. So here it is, I took a long time to tell you that, Yes, it is true I do love my pillow! It makes me happy! the end.

(i never said that this blog would ever be sane!)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

a question!?!

does anyone of you guys remember any of the jump rope songs... i can't remember the rest to
"Blue bells cocher shells...after that don't remember... can anyone please help!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

my life is one never ending circle!

So in my prep to move i found this old journal... the funniest part of this journal is that my life is the same and i still feel the same way i did back in 03! So here is one of the journal entries cuz it still sums me up!

"...I have so many feelings coarsing through me right now and they are contradicting one another. I feel so full and yet so empty inside. I feel happy and sad, pretty and ugly. I feel alone and completely surrounded with people i love. I feel broke and in despair and rich in blessings. I feel uncertain of the way my life is going and yet endless possibilities of what I can become and achieve. I don't want to want anyone yet i do want someone to wrap my arms around and be myself with. I feel like an adult with this 13 year old girl trapped in my body. I can feel myself get jealous over silly things and think I am crazy and I have to tell myself to grow up. I want to hide myself until i am the person I want to be and yet I want to stand on the highest mountaintop and yell in my loudest voice that I am going to make an impression on this earth. I don't want to live my life and not help make others day better and brighter. I want to make the world around me happier. I hope and pray that people want to be better because they know me. I want them to feel loved and to know that someone is there for them. anyways, so many conflicting emotions!"

i thought it was a cool entry and so there it is for all the world to read!