Monday, October 27, 2008

Jakes Baptism!

Yesterday Jake got baptized and I got to give the baptism talk. I have to admit, i put off preparing for it but I couldn't help but think... what can I really say that hasn't been said before? I thought about what baptism means to me, and for me its trying to know Christ on a daily basis. I couldn't help but to think about some of Christ characteristics and to think that when I try to gain some of his characterisics I come to know and understand him better. I probably failed miserably to convey my thoughts both there and here but It made sense to me! As I was driving out to the church i had a glimpse of what it would be like in the be surrounded by family and the pure joy that it would be! I was amazed at the thought of truly being a part of an eternal family and to see it as clearly as i did was a definitely needed moment in my life. My grandma was sitting there in her wheelchair and she kept saying, "did you ever think that this all started with grandpa and I and the choices that we made!" I could tell that she was humbled by the thought! It made me happy that at the end of her life (a very very heartbreaking thought) she got to see the fruits of her labor. All around it was a great day!

1 comment:

Nesha said...

You were very eloquent--as always--and you did convey your thoughts beautifully. I had never thought about it quite the way you did, so, ONCE AGAIN, I learned from my LITTLE sister. . .