Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Home Depot and I!

Well my tale with Home Depot continues! So today I had to go back to home depot to get more glue and to get the wood to finish my tap boards... So you know how you can saw your own wood... yeah I thought to myself I can totally do that all by myself! I don't know if it was a good decision... That will be determined tomorrow when i actually sit down and finish them! but here is what I do know. Tzenni-Bah and I should not be carpenters! I don't know if any of the lengths is the true length that we need and we kept mitering the wrong way! I am glad that I didn't have to pay for all the wood cuz it was expensive! Tzennibah and i literally built the wood frame on the ground cuz the wood cuts never looked right! A guy walked by and we joked with him that we were definitely not carpenters and he laughed at us laying the wood out on the ground! At one point Tzenni-Bah had 3 pieces of wood in her hands like it was nailed together and was trying to lay them in a different direction... the funniest thing was the look on her face as she was trying to keep the wood together and swing in the desired direction! I darn well wish that I had my camera! Good news though... MY KEYS WERE FOUND!


tzennibah said...

You wish you could make cool faces like me. I had tons o fun at Home Depot with you.

The Egg Basket said...

I totally want to be a fly on any wall where you and Tzenni-bah are cutting wood. Man! And me stuck here in Utah.

The Adams Family said...

Nicomi, the best part of this blog entry is your laughter I hear in my head as I read it. I even pause because you are laughing so loud. It is like you are sitting across from me telling it to me. Miss you tons!!! (Thanks for being half of my brain!)