Monday, May 16, 2011

Back at it. repeat.

Today I went to the Gym... No i will not post pictures, its embarrassing.
While there i couldn't help but think two things.
1. Hey creepy old guy with a ponytail, stop checking me out. i think its gross.
and then leave me to my workout without coming over to tell me "your doing good" with a nice little caress on my shoulder. I don't like you or your comments...
if you knew what it takes for a fat girl to go work out, just leave her in peace... She doesn't want or need attention.

2. Hey rude man that came and CLEARLY saw that i was using a machine don't come up and act like i don't have a right to use it and start working out on it BEFORE I am done... There is something called working in.
I did call you an asshole under my breath but you deserved it for thinking you had more rights to the place than i did. I was there first. Next time I will say NO.

1 comment:

Family Neiman said...

um nicomi, this is why i invented the cobra. use it next time on guy number two.

...and guy number one for that matter...