Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The wedding finally flew by with a blink and a year of planning! By the time that Kimmie got into town i knew that that meant my wedding was really going to happen. I will never forget Kimmie saying to me, well all these people arent coming just for your birthday party! You are right Kimmie it was for my wedding! I think i was pretty calm, I told myself to not be the dreaded bridezilla (i am sure i failed at moments) and to enjoy the day. I did! I will never forget sitting down to dinner and looking out at the amazingly beautiful setting and thinking WOOOOWW! It really was everything that i wanted. I didnt want cute, or funny or vintage blah blah blah. I wanted it to be warm and inviting with amazing colors, good food, and great people. I got it! so here is a few of the moments from the day My dress and veil! the dress was so simple and so i spiced it up with the most beautiful veil... i just didnt realize how heavy that veil was!
when manny and i first saw this picture i thought UUUGH... i hated both of our faces there ( however the majority of the candid pictures were of my very concerned face) but then as we were talking he said "I look like that guy in that movie" which one you ask... its night at the museum... he looks like robyn williams!!!
He does.
it makes me laugh!
new favorite picture!

my girls.
i love you.
you will always be part of my heart.

beautiful moment of just looking at manny and paying attention to just him.

the manzanita branch centerpieces.
loved them.

my favorite flowers.
my favorite colors.


one of my favorite moments of the night. jonny singing and it was like it was just the two of us in the courtyard. i wasnt able to close my eyes that night because i kept seeing our wedding everytime i closed my eyes. i would wake up and think man that was beautiful!!! i am glad i have a lifetime ahead of me with my husband!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


some of my thoughts and favorite moments...

friends coming for the my favorite holiday... just felt off this year because it was on a sunday... i missed swimming and playing in the water this 4... but overall a great day full of family friends and of course the ultimate ending to a night... the loved (and hated) marshmallow war down at the beach.

i was driving behind this car and it was covered in stickers... i first noticed her because she was going so freakin' slow... anyways it had an obama sticker, a "why do we kill those that kill to show the world that killing is wrong" and equality sticker... obviously i thought to myself i would love to talk to that person that professes to be an open minded soul... but i can promise you this, she wouldnt be open minded if what my thoughts and opinions differed from hers... i love to talk to them... i would tell them that obama is horrible, that i believe in the death penalty, that not everyone deserves to live in the united states... even though not all the statements above are really the truth... but i would love to see what her face was as i straight face made those statements :)

i am learning that a call out of the blue from a friend is cherished... dinner and pinkberry make it a night that made my soul happy... and to have her listen to me and not let me steer away from the wedding topic was appreciated...for her to look at me and say " you made everyones wedding day easier or more beautiful with your talents, i dont necassarily have those same talents but i can help!" i was amazed that she walked away with an assignment that i have no doubt she will be able to do... it was nice to have a friend help with the planning:) it was nice to know that i do have a friend here in san diego :)

that being said i have learned that i will actually call and have people help me... i just have to figure out what i can divvy out!!! SO WATCH OUT!

i stayed home on sunday to make some flowers to attach to my beautiful wedding dress and i ended up watching WE tv... so it started out with my big fat wedding, then ultimate wedding cakes, then to top it off with bridezillas... josh was at the house and i was telling him how appalling it was that these girls/women throw tantrums, berate, scream, make fools out of themselves so that they can be the princess for one day. i hate that word but i really hate it when its thrown my direction... so i was at dinner and i was saying how i wanted something that i am not going to get, but i wont say anything to the person making it because i dont want to be labeled a bridezilla... when both my dad and brother james call me repeatedly a bridezilla... so i did the best thing i could and burst into uncontrollable tears... i cleared the area, and everyone sat there in uncomfortable silence as tears rolled down my face. i couldnt make them stop. aaaugh get me back of birthcontrol.

i have been slow at work and am going out of my mind. but i will be busy again soon since i love what i do :)

thats not all... but that all for now :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

board games

while playing sequence tonight with manny i was getting all sorts of competitive... well he then looks at me and says "one of us is competitive and the other persons job is to keep you are your toes!" he just makes me giggle.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

i laugh through this whole thing... thought you would too!

Subject: Roping a DeerROPING A DEERAuthor unknown - probably for good reasonActual letter from someone who farms, writes well and tried this:

I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it upon corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first stepin this adventure was getting a deer. I figured that, since theycongregate at my cattle feeder and do not seem to have much fear of me when we are there (a bold one will sometimes come right up and sniff atthe bags of feed while I am in the back of the truck not 4 feet away),it should not be difficult to rope one, get up to it and toss a bag overits head (to calm it down) then hog tie it and transport it home.I filled the cattle feeder then hid down at the end with my rope. Thecattle, having seen the roping thing before, stayed well back. They werenot having any of it. After about 20 minutes, my deer showed up-- 3 of them.

I picked out a likely looking one, stepped out from the end of the feeder, and threw my rope. The deer just stood there and stared at me. I wrapped the rope around my waistand twisted the end so I would have a good hold.The deer still just stood and stared at me, but you could tell it wasmildly concerned about the whole rope situation. I took a step towardsit, it took a step away. I put a little tension on the rope .., and thenreceived an education. The first thing that I learned is that, while adeer may just stand there looking at you funny while you rope it, theyare spurred to action when you start pulling on that rope.That deer EXPLODED.

The second thing I learned is that pound for pound,a deer is a LOT stronger than a cow or a colt. A cow or a colt in thatweight range I could fight down with a rope and with some dignity. Adeer -- no chance.That thing ran and bucked and twisted and pulled. There was no controlling it and certainly no getting close to it. As it jerked me offmy feet and started dragging me across the ground, it occurred to methat having a deer on a rope was not nearly as good an idea as I had originally imagined. The only upside is that they do not have as much stamina as many other animals.A brief 10 minutes later, it was tired and not nearly as quick to jerk me off my feet and drag me when I managed to get up.

It took me a few minutes to realize this, since I was mostly blinded by the blood flowing out of the big gash in my head. At that point, I had lost my taste forcorn-fed venison. I just wanted to get that devil creature off the endof that rope.I figured if I just let it go with the rope hanging around its neck, itwould likely die slow and painfully somewhere. At the time, there was no love at all between me and that deer. At that moment, I hated the thing,and I would venture a guess that the feeling was mutual. Despite the gash in my head and the several large knots where I had cleverly arrested the deer's momentum by bracing my head against variouslarge rocks as it dragged me across the ground, I could still think clearly enough to recognize that there was a small chance that I shared some tiny amount of responsibility for the situation we were in. I didn't want the deer to have to suffer a slow death, so I managed to getit lined back up in between my truck and the feeder - a little trap Ihad set before hand...kind of like a squeeze chute. I got it to back inthere and I started moving up so I could get my rope back.

Did you know that deer bite?They do! I never in a million years would have thought that a deer wouldbite somebody, so I was very surprised when ... I reached up there to grab that rope and the deer grabbed hold of my wrist. Now, when a deer bites you, it is not like being bit by a horse where they just bite youand then let go. A deer bites you and shakes its head--almost like a pitbull. They bite HARD and it hurts.The proper thing to do when a deer bites you is probably to freeze and draw back slowly. I tried screaming and shaking instead. My method was ineffective.It seems like the deer was biting and shaking for several minutes, but it was likely only several seconds. I, being smarter than a deer (thoughyou may be questioning that claim by now), tricked it. While I kept itbusy tearing the tendons out of my right arm, I reached up with my left hand and pulled that rope loose.

That was when I got my final lesson in deer behavior for the day. Deer will strike at you with their front feet. They rear right up ontheir back feet and strike right about head and shoulder level, andtheir hooves are surprisingly sharp. I learned a long time ago that,when an animal --like a horse --strikes at you with their hooves and you can't get away easily, the best thing to do is try to make a loud noise and make an aggressive move towards the animal. This will usually cause them to back down a bit so you can escape.This was not a horse. This was a deer, so obviously, such trickery would not work. In the course of a millisecond, I devised a different strategy. I screamed like a woman and tried to turn and run. The reason I had always been told NOT to try to turn and run from a horse that paws at you is that there is a good chance that it will hit you in the back of the head. Deer may not be so different from horses after all, besides being twice as strong and 3 times as evil, because the second I turned to run, it hit me right in the back of the head and knocked me down.Now, when a deer paws at you and knocks you down, it does not immediately leave. I suspect it does not recognize that the danger has passed. What they do instead is paw your back and jump up and down on you while you are laying there crying like a little girl and covering your head.I finally managed to crawl under the truck and the deer went away. So now I know why when people go deer hunting they bring a rifle with a scope to sort of even the odds. All these events are true so help me God... An Educated Rancher

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a funny moment

So i was at work today, and i was overhearing EVERYONE working saying "healthy food this, healthy food that, i'm on a diet, i hate my arms, my thighs are huge, i am doing a cleanse, blah blah blah..." so i know that i am not the only one that is going through this fun stage... however i am the only one that has any real weight to lose... so after hearing this literally all morning long someone mentions that there is cake in the back room... i literally thought that there was going to be a stampede to the back and dust would be drifting all around me...all thoughts of diet and hated body parts long forgotten... i will never forget the manicurist face of I WANT CAKE. it was so freaking funny!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

martin sexton i love you!

Last night i went with Manny to watch my love Martin Sexton sing... and man can he sing!!! i love watching, with my mouth agape, as he goes as high as he does to as low as he goes!!! i have never seen someone with his range and his pure voice. i love that he sings songs that are stories and set a mood. i love that he sings America the beautiful proudly. i love that his crowds are so diverse and we are all enveloped in his words and his voice. i love that he looks like a little leprechaun. i just love him!
I didn't realize that Manny had never been to a concert before... to be honest i was shocked!!! his sister looked at me and said "you are good for him, because you get him to do things that he hasn't ever done before!" i guess i feel the same with him... he is always getting me to try new things and open doors for me that i never even knew were out there. i guess that is what being in a relationship does.
and now for my silly thought of the night.
they make me laugh.
its funny.
i giggle when i see them.
i am embarrassed when
they are in my own nose.
but those times when i have
them when i am in the bathroom
and i feel that odd sensation
i will always run to a mirror
and inhale and exhale quickly...
then i have to giggle
because breathing boogers are so

Sunday, April 25, 2010


i hate heartburn...
i hate that it keeps me up.
i hate that it gives me hiccups.
i hate it.
the end.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Saviors Love...

Today at church was ward conference and so the stake relief society taught our relief society... they taught us on the women in the scriptures... of any subject that can be my favorite this is it... i love the women in the scriptures but my favorite is the new testiment women... I am amazed that we have these amazing glimpses into the LOVE that the savior has for women and how much he cherishes them... i tried to express my thoughts and failed miserably because i cry when its anything close to my heart so i am NEVER able to fully express my passion that i have for these scriptures... i guess its because it gave me a glimpse of how truly cherished and revered i am...

there were a couple of points that always are so interesting when we are taught about the women in the scriptures... i have often heard it said that we are as women are so loved and cherished that we are kept out of the scriptures... really? i think that that is an interesting point... but here is my thought... it was written by men who didnt think about women as their equals (not going all womens lib here) it was written by the prophets in a time where women were property... then it was transcibed by men that had taken a vow of celibacy... so yep your right we dont have names of these women... unless like Mary and Martha who were literally called Friends of Christ...or Mary his mother and Mary the women who he wept for the loss of His physical body after he had been crucified... we dont have names... could it be that there are scriptures about women that were weeded out as not important scripture by men that didnt think about the true importance of women? ( this is all just my thoughts)

So this is what i do know....... i know that it was to a woman that He told that He was the savior of the world (but more importantly HER). it was women that he called friends. ( always thought that would be the coolest thing in the world... to be called His Friend. (i have had way tooooo many friendships with men to last me a lifetime... but he is a man i would be honored to be friends with) it was a woman that annointed his hands and his feet as prophesied. it was woman that he saved from being stoned to death... where was the man that she had sinned with... why was he not about to suffer the same fate? dont you think that He wiped her tears when the crowed went away and gave her a little pep talk telling her to be better and to stop what she was doing... i think after her shame of being caught because of Him there was HOPE... it was a woman that had so much faith that he physically felt her feeling his robe even though he couldnt see her when she tried to sneek touching his robe because she was unclean in the views of the world... When He felt some of His power leave his body he turned and talked to her... he took time out to talk to an unclean woman... amazing... it was a woman He thought about when He hung in agony on the cross... his concern was for his MOM... just like any son he wanted his mom to be taken care of in life... ( does anyone know if Joseph was still alive at this point? because it wasnt said that he was there and if he was would Christ have given Mary another son who could take care of her?) it was a woman that he first showed his hands and feet and showed his resurrected body too... all the most important things that happened in His life happened with or by women...

and another thought about our Heavenly Mother... this subject when brought up makes a teacher in church shiver... because she is not talked about... and it is always said that because God loves her so much that he doesnt let the world know about her... well this is my thought... i know her... i know her characteristics because I know my OWN mom... i know that when i get to the other side i will know HER because i had my mom in this life... and that is an honor.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

i am living my big fat mormon wedding!

Seriously it was amazing and humbling to see manny enter into the water... i was sitting there thinking he really is doing this... i half way expected him to look at me after the baptism and say i mormon now... it has been humbling to see him as he is a 'baby' in the gospel and to learn right along with him from the scriptures... its also fun to try and put into words things that make sense to long time members... but not necassarily to new people in the gospel... he is amazing to me... just so you know... i love him.

this weekends adventures with my niece and nephew

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Sunday, April 4, 2010


thoughts that jumped out at me...

what would it feel like to me to be pulled out of the crowd and forced to take the cross off of my saviours back and carry it the remainder of the way up the hill, through the jeering cheering crowd to watch them crucify him.

that HE lives...

i am and will always be a child... i know that i will have my time on my saviours lap with his arms around me... he will wipe my tears from my cheeks and i will have my own time with him to feel his wounds in his hands and his feet.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Manny and i went on our first road trip to Vegas a couple of weeks ago so that he could meet my friend kimmie before the arrival of her little bloodsucker (ok i am a little not happy with the little guy as he is giving kimmie a run for her money...i am sure i will be over it as soon as i see his little face) and before fishing season is in full swing... we left right after work on thursday... so i was really tired which is a pleasure to travel with me when i am like that. Manny is one of the few drivers i actually trust but when i am tired all bets are off... i was a little out of control with my use of the invisible brake and a little jumpy to boot... made for a cranky manny that wanted to pull over and make me drive. I knew going over that it would be the weekend of kimmies vegas shower... so here she is showing me her belly at the shower...

kimmie and her friend allison who i always want to call dilly... but really she is allison, who has an adorable little boy that i could just sit and watch all day because he is so funny...

kimmie and i at the shower.

manny and i went to mandalay bays aquarium... yes i could have passed as i live right by sea world but its always cool to see what is in the sea :)

did i ever tell you that i hate hearts but i like this one :)

being in these tubes will always remind me of holding bryce in my arms when he was itty bitty... and looking over at him to see him snarling at the sharks... he was showing them his teeth :)

one of the cooler fish that we got to see

so valentines weekends we got to stay at this amazing house on the cliffs of encinitas... this is how i know i am marrying someone that i am compatable with... we couldnt find a golf ball so he came over to practice with a basketball!

thats at the edge of the property... it was amazing...

just because i cant resist... i made the whales spout on my mom... she wasnt happy because i was messing with her just washed hair but i love this picture :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

on a roll...

went to the gym today...
still red faced, but getting easier...
amazed that my body adapts...
will constantly have to change things up...
white dress you haunt me...

Monday, March 8, 2010

back at it again.

worked out.
wedding dress fears will go away.
red faced, people staring at the store.
will succeed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

been too long :)

so what has my life been filled with lately. A lot!!!

i was able to housesit this amazing house that sits on the bluffs of encinitas over valentines weekend. the place is 3 stories, and has an elevator and its own stairs that goes down to the beach. it has clean simple lines and a place to put everything. I was in heaven :) i got to watch 2 dogs and got all the love i could possibly want. as i was cuddling with roxy i thought yep i do need a dog one day... she did something that truly made me laugh, she would fart and and it would scare her and she would run away like she didnt do it. i wanted to run away myself when i got a whiff of one of those nasty farts. dog farts are the worst. period.

manny asked me what i wanted to do for valentines day... and so i told him NOTHING. i don't want to talk to anyone except for him, i wanted to stay at that beautiful house and enjoy it, i wanted to read book, walk on the beach, watch the whales from the kitchen... i wanted to do NOTHING!!! i got my wish and it was lovely! i think that this wish came from working and talking tooooooo much the days previous and i was tired from trying to entertain. i do also have to say that any of my presents to manny fell flat. blah. i hate trying to make a commercialized holiday special. i like it when he spoils me just because he is thinking about me and not because he is told that he has to. i also know that i like to spoil him for he exact same reason.

i bought my dress and it is beautiful... however for whatever reason possessed me i bought it in a smaller size... WHY THE CRAP did i do this? it is my every freakin thought... uuuggh... now i out. workout. here we go again. my terrible nightmare of walking down the isle in my sweats with a wifebeater that says bride on it will be my wedding attire. WHY OH WHY did my sister allow me to do this.

So people just know that i will post it here about my workouts so that i will be more accountable maybe... frick what did i do.

other than that nightmare everything is coming along on the wedding front :) i just keep plugging along with it and pray that it all comes together.

i also got a brand new niece this month... i told mary ellen that i would be more than happy to watch the kids and take them to school when they were in the hospital... for some reason i was awake at 2:10 in the morning... when i get a text from james saying that it looked like it was time so i needed to head over. i am a little slow at this time in the morning, so he texts back that they couldnt wait and to just come over and go to sleep in their bed and they would call me in the morning. turns out they really couldnt wait because i passed them at 2:30 in the morning and and i get a text at 3:1o that she was born!!! she has a ton of hair and is beautiful:) i feel bad for her because her 3 siblings all adore her and always want to touch and love on her. she is very blessed with a family that cherishes her. and lets be honest she has the best parents!

enough of an update for now...luvs

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

some new things i have learned

that my best comebacks are said only in my mind 10 minutes after the confrontation should have happened.

that family is everything, but i like the peace and quiet that is seldom around when any morris is!

that its nice to be able to run to someone with problems, and that its important to someone else too.

that i can revert quickly to being eight years old again and when someone deeply hurts my feelings i instantly want to say... fine your not invited to my wedding. ( i caught myself and giggled because that is stinkin funny!)

that having your car battery die sucks... especially when its done blocking in an uncle that can always make me feel like white trash... love it.

that i am so emotional about everything like i was sixteen... poor manny.

that i still love what i do.

that life is VERY exciting and am thankful for everything that has been blessing my life lately!

that all will be well.