Tuesday, December 29, 2009

things that made me giggle this season

so living at home with my parents for a few weeks has been fun... i have all my clothes shoved in bags, shoes are all over the bedroom floor, the bed is rarely if ever made, parents clomping down the hall in the early morning, one bathroom with a shower that scares me, nephews and nieces always around making lots of noise... ahhhh being home is lovely!:) but truly the greatest things that i have enjoyed are seeing my parents in everyday actions... the first and the thing that humbles me is a site that is only late at night when everything is quiet. its seeing my mom kneeling beside her bed, her last act of service that her tired body performs on a daily basis. it brings tears to my eyes to see her head bent and her quietly kneeling talking to her father. i know that i am in those prayers and that she is always asking for my Heavenly Father to watch over my steps and to guide my life. seeing this has been one of the greatest things that i have ever seen in the 32 years of my life.

the second thing that i love to see is the way that my parents interact with one another. i know that they love each other. they have shown this throught there devotion to one another through the years. i know that my dad needs my mom strength and love of life. i also know that my mom needs my dads lightheartedness and sense that all will amazing in a couple of days! my parents have taught me to serve. its amazing to be able to go "home" and to see things that i have taken for granted.

so this christmas my dad wanted to come into the cell phone world... so i went out and got him a cell phone for christmas... he wanted to know his phone number... my mom and i were in the other room talking when she heard her cell ring... she looked at me and asked if that was my phone, i told her no that is her phone... she goes running to answer it before she misses it. on her way to answer it she passes my dad who is sitting on the couch. so the next thing i hear is my mom answering her phone: "hello!"
then i hear my dad say: " hi how are you doing"
then i hear my mom say " YOU DORK!"
yeah my dad wanted to know his number so he called my moms cell... it was awesome they were in the same room and talking on their own cell phones to each other:) i sat there and laughed and laughed with my dad... my mom was standing there with her phone in her hand and said... "i just dont understand why you didnt tell me that it was you calling..." truly made me laugh!


Kathie said...

your parents are so funny!! thanks for the laugh!!

The Adams Family said...

Nicomi makes me giggle!