Wednesday, December 2, 2009

im an angler...maybe

after friday night's trip getting cancelled we made the best of it and he drove me around oxnard/ventura area... it was a very pretty area and the coast is my favorite! we went to a lake and i couldn't get over how beautiful the area was. it actually had trees that were in full autumn color and it was tucked into the mountains around it. I actually felt like it was a fall day!!! Taking the first (of many i am sure) self portrait on my new camera... one of the reasons nothing has been posted

back at the boat while i tried to stay out of manny's way as he hustled to get the boat ready for the charter that night. i quickly learned that my 'help' really isnt that... so i just stood by watching as he ran around doing things. and i have to say it was amazing to watch him work... yep it really was NICE!

this is before the night of 'sleep' it was before the rolling really hit me and made me say some serious prayers for a stomach that wouldnt empty itself and embarress the rest of the body that encased the all important stomach. i went down below and instantly felt queeeeeezy! so i layed flat on my back... really a bad idea, more praying was being uttered... so i flipped over onto my stomach and literally felt every single muscle in my stomach tighten and release... the nauseousness went away and i was able to "sleep". manny came in to check on me and i asked him to hold me...

manny came in to check on me and see if i was ok in the morning... but i slept in a little longer! i thought i would be a big girl and get up and surprise manny with my sunshiney face... i got up and as soon as i put my feet on the ground my stomach started in... so i thought i will pick up my new boots and my sweatshirt and put them on up top where the air would be fresh. i put on my head band, and out the door i went. only to be confronted with a guy sitting on the steps to his berthing area, our eyes connected and i knew i would lose it. this guys eyes were watering and tears were running down his cheeks, his stomach was dry-heaving and i knew that the sympathetic puker that i am was about to lose it! so back in i went and flat on my stomach i went uttering more prayers!!! i fell asleep and woke up when manny came in (thinking i was being lazy) to check on me again. i explained to him and then i decided i felt better but i knew that if i bent over it would be all over. so manny put on my boots and off to fishing i went! it really was calm for the rest of the day and i didnt have another thought about being nauseous!!!

so this is how the fishing went...manny got the fish on the hook and then he would hand me the pole and i would bring it in. i am quite the fisherman!!!

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