Monday, July 6, 2009

i love fireworks!

The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday!!!! Why, because i live in an amazing country, able to live the way that I want, able to worship how and where i choose, i am able to think for myself and know that its safe, i can do and be anything i want here!!! I also know that this freedom that i have is on the backs of men and women who have fought with their lives so that i have all the freedoms that i do!!! Some of my favorite people are ones that i have only been able to read about but who have made an impact on me. I am humbled by what it took for the founding fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence and the life that they lived after. I always get chills when i see the beauty of the red, white and blue flag waving in the wind! I love this Country!
so while my fourth of July is "predictable" why would i change perfection? I am surrounded by the people i love and am able to create memories every year!!! My family is always growing, my friends bring me happiness that i can be blessed with them in my life. How can a girl complain?
Shauna and Camden

She is getting sooooo big! She made my heart happy when she was in her moms arms and she leaned over so i could get her!!! it was the best feeling in the world to kiss her smack right on the lips and to see her grin after!

Keegan and Jackson with sparklers. My camera had a hard time figuring out what picture to take!

Porter somehow found the HOTTEST guys to get into the marshmallow fight with. they seriously would wrestle and be all soft with him... He would pull back and throw with all his might and peg them in the head. I wanted to say to these handsome men "you could make my fourth and wrestle with me!"

usually people wait till after the grand finale is over before the marshmallow war starts... Not this year, we were getting hit from the start of the fireworks.

the thing that surprised us this year was the HUGE marshmallows that were being flung at us!!! i also didn't realize that Nesha and Paul hadn't ever done the war before. it was so fun to see them giggle and to see Nesha's eyes as she hurled marshmallows at random strangers. it made me really happy when paul said that they should do this every year... I couldn't agree more! i love creating memories that will last a lifetime with them!

I love that kimmie and Micheal come down and celebrate with me!!! I am however mad at kimmie for the fact that my nephews love swimming with her more than me. Today as i was sitting in the jacuzzi my nephews asked where kim was. i told them that she was home in utah and they both looked at me and said "that Sucks!" i asked why is she more fun than me? they said YES... stupid boys... then they said it was only because she had fun toys!

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