Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the happiest place on earth!

I loved Mr. Potato Head... He talks to people in the line and interacts with them... you cant help but stop and watch him when you pass by the ride...

Oh and the thing i learned about disneyland... you have to listen to what other people have done... because usually there is so much more than what we normally do! I dragged bryce to watch crush the sea turtle talk to us. he didn't want to go watch, but i told him it was something nana (my mom) loved... guess what he didn't stop talking about!!! after this though I became the worst aunt ever and took him on the tower of terror... I thought he had been on it... YUP no he sure hadn't... he confused it with the haunted hotel... so going up i wasn't really hearing the clues that he was throwing out... like "how do they get the pictures to talk" and " I don't want to go see their rooms" OOOOOPS! as soon as it pulled back and we were looking into the mirror of ourselves was when i realized my failure at really hearing what he was saying! He buried his head in my arm and refused to look... I asked him "Bryce, haven't you ridden this ride?" he murmured a very muffled no... I just need you to know the panic that set in... I wanted to scream "LET ME OFF THIS RIDE" But really what good would that do... I told him really fast what was about to happen, really not knowing if he heard or not and prayed that he would be ok! So the moral of this story... Really listen to what people are saying, not just think you are! Oh and this ride is far more scary with your eyes clinched shut!
Waiting in line for toy story and wondering what the ride was going to be like... yup its the funnest! The couple in front of us said "its like buzz lightyear... only better" This was the line that bryce was not happy about having to wait in. I kept telling him to suck it up because that's what you have to do in order to be at disneyland!!! He was really spoiled because of the lack of lines!
This sounds cheesy, but when i was riding this ride and the sun was peeking out from the clouds, I looked over and saw this and thought to myself... I hope the sun always shines on his face! I have always thought this about my nephews and niece and its a humbling thought... THEY CAN DO ANYTHING!!!

Thunder mountain in the dark tunnels! Bryce doesn't like the dark parts! I love our eyes though, you can tell we were being flung around a corner and were bracing ourselves!

waiting in the line for space mountain!!! Bryce wanted the front of the ride... he's no fool! we shot around and i got to hear him scream on a ride for the first time! i love this ride and every time i ride it I think of mom prettyman! I will always remember doing my giggle laugh/scream and making her laugh to the point of no noise and tears streaming down her face!

we started the day with it raining!!! do you know what that means... NO LINES! really we waited for the tram... i think that felt like the longest line! Our butts got wet but oh well... this is also where i realized that i don't like wet feet! cuz as we all learned in forest gump... you gotta take care of your feet, nothing is as important as your feet!

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